Our 高中 Preview Day and Open House events for grades 9-12 are coming up!  网上注册



整理7 - 14, the girls competed in a challenging league and independent schedule put together by first-year coach Jerry Mercadante. 由资深队长吉安娜·安吉鲁奇带领, the team earned praise and appreciation from opposing coaches for their play on the field (especially base running) as well as their enthusiasm, 体育精神和相互支持. Individual highlights included pitcher Avery Conrad throwing a no-hitter and reaching 200 career Ks, Ellie Algarin playing every position except pitcher and first baseman Hannah Leegwater receiving honors after playing a position she never played before. Everyone is excited to see what next year brings on our new field at Wyckoff!



The golf team had an exciting and promising season in 2024 finishing second in the NJIC Colonial with a record of 8-2 in league play. The talented group also displayed a strong performance at the Passaic 县 Tournament finishing fourth with a team score of 360. Low scorers Nehemiah Rhee and Ethan Nashold were nominated for Second Team All-县 honors, 得分分别为82分和87分, 分别在Preakness Valley高尔夫球场. 乔伊·德卢西亚紧随其后, 比利的厨师, 查尔斯·罗斯和卢卡斯·法斯在大学轮转.



Able to stay focused and locked in on the goals they set with each other in the beginning of the season while navigating obstacles, 一路上都有伤病和逆境, the baseball team put together their fourth straight winning season finishing with a 10-9 record and placing third in the Colonial division. 亮点包括对洛迪和曼彻斯特的紧张胜利, 比巴特勒更出色的表演, 第一轮县锦标赛的胜利, 在州锦标赛中以微弱劣势输给了蒂莫西·克里斯蒂安. 名单上只有一个高年级学生, there is cause for hope to build on this year’s success and keep the winning streak alive next season!



With only one senior on a small roster and having graduated significant pieces from previous years’ successes, Head Coach Greg Hagedoorn and assistant Mike Reed knew this was going to be a rebuilding year. Half of the team was brand new to the sport and most were underclassmen. 中场由头号得分手带队, 小蔡凯莱, who regularly impacted the game while facing the best defender of the opposition. Sophomore Zachary Ninan was the engine of the midfield and classmates Daniel Bushka and Thomas Vicenzino were a dominant force on faceoffs. The attack was paced by sophomore newcomer Joseph Altomare along with junior Andres Alvarez and the lone senior, 丹尼尔Lim. 在国防, first-year player junior Gio Indomenico (153 saves) kept the Eagles in almost every game in goal, playing behind returning sophomore defenders Andy Genuario and Kyle Magee and newcomers sophomore Dakota Wiechmann and juniors Ben Debel and Luke Demosthene. 14名球员中有13人回归, plenty of valuable experience gained this year will help the team as they take steps forward next season on an expanded roster.



The 2024 EC boys tennis team gathered with three returning starters, 还有一群令人兴奋的低年级学生. 大四学生加伦·斯莱升至单打冠军位置. 他最重要的胜利是对阵西米尔福德和洛迪, 为他赢得了联盟第二阵容的荣誉. Third-year varsity starters, Peter Wang and James Torres, also moved to singles. The team was rounded out by an impressive group of first-year varsity underclassmen. Freshmen Zaven Rodrigues and Yuha Lee racked up wins against many of the league’s veteran doubles teams. 二年级学生吴雨果, 方便的王, 郑杰伦也突飞猛进, 并获得了宝贵的大学经验, 这有助于提高人们对2025年季的期望.


海关记录 & 场

The girls team posted a winning record of 5-3 in the regular season, finishing second in the NJIC conference meet and ninth in the county meet. The leadership of talented upperclassmen including seniors Jayla Lee, 莎琳-妮可·托马斯(铅球), 三年级学生柯尔斯滕·布劳纽斯, 瓦莱丽Portuphy, along with major contributions from a large number of underclassmen including sophomores Skylar Kuiken (hurdles), 劳拉•特纳, 和新生诺埃米·伊扎里是球队成功的关键.

男子队以3胜4负的战绩结束了常规赛, finishing fifth at the NJIC conference meet and was also led by its upperclassmen including David Cho (pole vault), Tim La Bianca(撑杆跳)Caleb Kuperus, 和亚历克斯·卡尔普. Freshmen Hudson Culp, Nathan Im, and Ray Wu made very strong contributions to the team as well.

This season marks the end of an era for EC track as coach Apol retires after over 40 years of service. Our team is grateful for his tireless efforts and incredible time invested in student athletes to build a highly respected, 冠军计划.


跟踪女士 & 字段: 

教练艾伦, Denekamp, 欧登, and Ronnau somehow managed to mold a spirited group of seventy three  6th, 7th, 和八年级学生组成一支优秀的队伍. 除了在新米尔福德取得重大胜利, 格伦岩石, 和米德兰公园, the team performed well in the 14-school championship meet at Waldwick where the boys team finished 4th and the girls 5th. 八年级的学生 约西亚Hytrek won the 400 at that meet and in the course of the season tied the school record (56.8名,同时也打破了200米的学校纪录(24名).4). His 4X100 relay team included Ray Xiao, Mason Hinton, and Matt A.他们都是非常优秀的短跑运动员. 

在女生方面,七年级的丽贝卡·加莱马赢得了55分(7分)的冠军.5)在冠军赛和她的接力队, 由Nari Kim完成, 卡琳娜Lazor, and anchor Zara Ronnau came close to breaking the school record in that event. In the field events 八年级的学生s Chase Hinton (2nd in the disc 104’4”), 雷·肖(LJ第2名,16尺11寸)和 阿米莉亚普林格尔(在58 ' 6 "碟中排名第四)超过了他们的最好成绩. The coaches are grateful for such an enthusiastic and hard working group of athletes this season, and  praise the Lord for their gifts and talents and a good season of performance, 学习, 个人成长!



    • 第2名:加伦·斯莱-第一次单打
    • 詹姆斯-托雷斯,彼得-王


    • 第二名:加伦·斯莱-单打第二名
    • 王彼得


    • HM: Caleb Chae, 丹尼尔Lim 


    • 第一名:Caleb Chae
    • HM: 丹尼尔Lim

Track & 场

    • 2nd: 莎琳-妮可·托马斯(SP), David Cho (PV), Tim La Bianca (PV)
    • 克尔斯滕·布劳尼乌斯、迦勒·库珀鲁斯、亚历克斯·卡尔普、贾拉·李


    • 第一名:克尔斯滕·布劳尼乌斯(400米), Jayla Lee(200米), 瓦莱丽·波尔图菲(LJ), 莎琳-妮可·托马斯(SP), Mackenzie Wynbeek (java), 汉娜·维斯宾(PV)
    • 2nd: Lucas Genuario (200m), Caleb Kuperus (400 IH), David Cho (PV)
    • HM:斯凯拉·库伊肯(100岁), Jayla Lee (4 × 400), 柯尔斯顿·布劳尼乌斯(4 × 400), Mackenzie Wynbeek (4 x 400), Noemi Irizarry (4 × 400)


    • HM:吉安娜·安吉鲁奇


    • 第二位:吉安娜·安吉鲁奇,汉娜·利格沃特
    • 埃莉安娜·阿尔加林


    • 尼希米·李,伊桑·纳什德 


    • 第一名:尼希米·李
    • 第二名:比利·库克,伊桑·纳什希尔德,约瑟夫·德卢西亚


    • 约翰-马库斯-罗德里格斯

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